Hi, I would like to share a little bit about myself as a shamanist and as a person.

I have been practicing shamanism since 2002, and I find that doing shamanic work with others is one of those rare activities that fully feeds my soul. I love to teach and help others explore spiritual realms.

Alongside my one-on-one work, I have taught a variety of shamanic classes and workshops in Columbia and Silver Springs, MD; Arlington, VA; Seattle, WA, and here in Missoula, Helena, and the Bitterroot valley, MT.

My training is in Core Shamanism through the Foundation for Shamanic Studies in Mill Valley, CA. I am a graduate of their Three-Year Program in Advanced Shamanism & Shamanic Healing taught by Michael Harner and Alicia Gates.

I have also completed the 120-hour Next Step program in advanced shamanism taught by Dana & Shana Robinson of Easton, MD and a five-day training specializing in shamanic healing of conflict and chronic disease taught by Myron Eshowsky of Madison, WI. Other work with Myron includes classes in cancer healing, psychosis, trans-generational trauma, spiritual activism, and Jewish shamanic practice.

I was introduced to shamanism when my first teacher, Steve Geske, happened to walk into my life at a time when I had lost track of myself. He has been a teacher and model for my shamanic practice ever since.

My academic career has been in science (biology, geology, hydrology), and my spiritual work is balanced with a wee bit of healthy skepticism. Most who work with me find both a healing connection with their helping spirits and a pragmatic approach to working with the spirits in daily life. It is said that a shaman is able to stand with a foot in each world, and I believe this is important for anyone doing this kind of deep spiritual work.

Besides shamanic practice, other strands of my life work include writing and helping others write, publish, and honor their own work. I am the author of Finding Eagle: A Journey into Modern-Day Shamanism and Sweet Seventeen: Poems of Youth.

I am blessed to have my roots in Missoula, where I enjoy being in community, hiking, kayaking my favorite stretch of the Bitterroot, seeing my husband’s incredible photography develop and grow, and being surrounded by the mountains and their awesome energy.